Penetration tested, SOC 2 approved and build on modern cloud technology

Stay secure with systems validated by 3rd parties and built on modern tech
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SOC 2 Type 2 certified (US equivalent of ISO 27001)

SlideHub is SOC2 Type 1 and Type 2 certified and is commited to keeping your data safe and secure

Cyber Essentials certified

A friendly hacker spots potential vulnerabilities
Ensure protection of your data against common online security threats

Reoccurring penetration test

A friendly hacker spots potential vulnerabilities
An independent security audit firm conducts penetration tests of SlideHub's systems to validate that bad actors cannot access the platform

Keeping a look out

Ongoing vulnerability surveillance
You will be in safe hands with best-in-class systems monitoring from, Detectify, and AWS Inspector

Modern tech

Modern frameworks and cloud infrastructure
The presentation management software is hosted on modern cloud infrastructure from Amazon Web Services.
All programs are written using modern developer frameworks such as Laravel, and .Net core

All data stored in EU

All client data is stored on EU-based servers
All customer data is stored in AWS databases and file systems hosted on servers located in Ireland


GDPR and other policies in place
Read SlideHub policies here – SlideHub follows GDPR guidelines on privacy and data management

Validated by Microsoft

The slide management platform is validated by Microsoft as part of the Office Store approval process

Platform Add-on

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under the hood?
Let’s talk
We are happy to share documentation to support all of the above. In case you need penetration test reports, SOC 2 certificates, DPAs, or something else – feel free to reach out any time